Welcome to Harvest Time Worship Center
We’re glad you’ve decided to view our website today; we hope you will visit our church in person very soon. If you are thinking about coming to Worship with us at Harvest Church, and you have never been here before, below is some information that you might find helpful. If you are interested in additional information not found below, please contact our office at 708.898.1379 or see a Greeter upon your visit.
Where is Harvest Main Worship Campus Located?
• 21940-42 Richton Road, Richton Park, IL. 60471
• Church Phone: 708.898.1379
When is Worship Service and Bible Study?
• Morning Worship Service – 10:30am
• Prayer – 12:30pm(on conference call ONLY) and 7:00pm (In-person)
Prayer call number 424-436-6280 access code 427071#
• Life Enrichment Teaching (Bible Study) – 7:30pm
What to expect at Harvest?
Harvest is a warm loving church that you can feel comfortable to worship, sing and praise the Lord Jesus Christ. No matter whom you are or what you’ve done, you will fine hope, strength and encouragement. Harvest is known to be a church that is warm and friendly. Our guests have said “that they feel welcomed”, “the people are friendly and the word is rich and God does live here”.
How should I dress?
At Harvest there is no right or wrong answer for this question. We have people that dress up in there Sunday’s best and we also have people that wear jeans, t-shirts or casual wear. Our focus is not the external but the internal spiritual maturity of people in God and his son Jesus Christ. As part of the great commission Jesus said make disciples and Harvest is committed to reaching people and building up the believer through Gods word and his love.
What about parking?
You can park in our north parking lot in front of the main sanctuary entrance. If you arrive early enough there is a First Time Guest Park by the front door, if not feel free to park in any open park.
What is your Mission at Harvest?
Simply stated: “Reaching People and Worshiping God”
What if I have a question once I’m at Harvest?
If you arrive and have questions our greeters that will meet you in the lobby will be capable to answer any questions. Once in the sanctuary, an Usher will seat you and be able to answer any additional questions you may have. If you desire prayer there will be a special time in the service for you to receive special prayer for your concern. If you have need of more information please e-mail, if you have a prayer request please fill out prayer request form on the website or a prayer card located in lobby.
How do I become a member?
Every person will have an opportunity after the morning message to accept Christ and to become a member of the body of Christ and Harvest. The Pastor or designee will pray for you and our office will gather your contact information, they will contact you via mail to let you know the next steps required for membership. You will need to attend an Orientation Class, New Member Class, New Convert or Spiritual Maturity Class.
Before you leave:
• Before you leave please take time to fill out a guest card and first time guest survey
• Pastor and Mrs. Joyce would love to have an opportunity to greet and meet you
• Remember your life will never be the same after you experience worship and the word at Harvest